Friday, April 15, 2011

Louis Vuitton Double Exposure with Sam Taylor-Wood - The Process

1 comment:

  1. Fashion photographer Tom Craig talks about why he chose the wet collodion process for Louis Vuitton's Double exposure with Sam Taylor Wood. He makes a very important point about how "disposable" photography has become with all the digital advancement in photography. The increasing instant gratification phenomena has made the current practice move as such a warp speed. It's no surprise that still to this day majority of photographers cite the old masters as their inspiration for their creativity. I personally see the difference between the imagery produced today and say a Penn, or Avedon photograph. They (Penn, Avedon, Karsh) did not allow the technology to dictate their creativity. They approached each frame with the most meticulous process. They did not have to shoot 200 frames to get the perfect shot. The process was even an art in itself.
