Sunday, March 21, 2010

Finding Inspiration

The last year has been hardest for most people. Every business has been hit hard by the recession and even though it's over (on paper) the ripples of the effects are still hurting a lot of people. A gallery on West Broadway which showed fashion photography mostly had a new collection that featured stunning black and white photographs of France's first lady Carla Bruni during her modeling days. I saw this from outside the large window of the gallery at night and planned to check it out soon. This of course was some weeks ago. I passed by the gallery today and guess what? It was closed for good! Not only that but two other shops adjacent to this gallery were also closed.

I'll admit it has been a trying time for my business but slow time is necessary for every business person. Yes, bills need to be paid but when things slow down and you do not panic, a lot of ideas to improve your business start to flood in and you realize that a some of the ideas would not have occurred to you if you were constantly moving. It also helps to check out what others (especially those who's work you admire and inspire you) are up to. I picked some of my favourite magazines (L'Uomo Vogue and I.D) to see what kind of work is being produced. As usual I wasn't disappointed. I also picked up the current issue of Respect magazine which showcases great music photography from back in the day to present. I was a bit nostalgic when I flipped through the pages because music photography was one of my absolute main goals when I decided to come to New York to become pro photographer. The works featured in Respect mag reminded me of that enthusiasm. But that's another story so stay tuned for the next blog.

As I plan to update my website, I got some pretty cool ideas for the design plus a string of projects I'm putting together have revved me up BIG TIME! A friend's dad always said difficult times are just passing inconveniences. You must find a way to keep inspired and motivated. For me it's good movies, The Strand bookshop and countless newstands. I say it's never late to pursue your dreams. Life can be merciless but that's just another door waiting to be opened.

1 comment:

  1. If the road you travel, has no obstacles, It leads nowhere.

    I personally think we have not seen the worse of the financial crisis yet, gloomy thought but very real.More and more businesses are suffering, we have to be innovative in every sense and brace ourselves.Like you said, hard times can create lots of opportunities,we wont give up! Very well articulated blog mate :)
